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Lady Gaga Live Projection Mapping Grammy’s 2016

The opening of last nights 2016 Grammy performance with Lady Gaga featured  a David Bowie live projection mapping tribute.   To do so they made a 3d scan of Lady Gaga’s face and then practiced on that.  Since she was singing, it proved to be a difficult task for the team behind it.   Nobumichi Asai, who is one of the founding fathers of live face mapping said, “It’s the first time I’ve done it live & Gaga pushed for this technology to be in this show.” The show also featured robotics, lighting, and at 5:06 the performance also made use of interactive projection mapping using Gaga’s rings to control the background.

As per Intel’s the making of video:   https://youtu.be/RaXFi876O6k , the servers running the performance appear to be intel driven d3 4×4 pro’s.   If you want to see more Intel has made a webpage to document the event: Intel InMusic

projectile objects d3 servers


If you like this, make sure to check out Kat Von D’s live face projection mapping that happened late last year.

Via Projection-mapping