Dark Light


PROCEDURALS 03 – an exploration of possibilities which will open for the fashion industry as new “smart” materials emerge allowing the clothes to react to surrounding sound, lighting conditions or even owner`s emotional state.

Danil Krivoruchko: ”Demo sequence I`ve made to put in use the system from my sound driven cloth deformations Houdini tutorial.”

3213a332397045.56806021ac6e3 c250e432397045.5682d26de10e8 3a28d532397045.56806021ad65b 1b4cb532397045.56806021af5dd 527a9e32397045.56806021ae6f1 a008db32397045.5681b51b65a4d efa8ff32397045.568094b8cb7aa

Via Behance

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